Domestic Violence - Address Confidentiality
ACP - Overview
The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is a statewide confidential mail forwarding service available to eligible survivors of domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence, stalking, child abduction and/or human trafficking who have recently relocated to a location unknown to their abuser or stalker. The Address Confidentiality Program is administered by the Office of the Attorney General pursuant to VA Code Ann. § 2.2-515.2. The goal of The Address Confidentiality Program is to help participants keep their new address confidential. The Address Confidentiality Program is a participant driven program and is intended to be used as part of an overall safety plan to increase the safety of survivors.
The Address Confidentiality Program provides a cost-free mail forwarding service for all First-Class mail. Certified program participants are authorized to use a “substitute” mailing address in lieu of their physical home address. Once certified and enrolled, participants and each enrolled household member will be issued an Address Confidentiality Program Authorization Card. Certification is good for three years. Participants may choose to renew their certification every three years by completing a renewal application for certification. Participants may withdraw from the program at any time.
The actual physical address of a program participant is confidential and available only to designated Office of the Attorney General staff involved in the operation of the Address Confidentiality Program and to law- enforcement officers for law- enforcement purposes. Virginia state and local government agencies are required to accept a participant’s substitute address as if it is their legal physical address. Currently private businesses and federal agencies are not required to accept a participant’s substitute address.
The Address Confidentiality Program is not retroactive and cannot provide absolute protection. Participants are encouraged to seek counseling through local based domestic and sexual violence agencies. For assistance connecting with a local community advocate for comprehensive safety planning and local community resources please contact the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Statewide Hotline at 1-800-838-8238 or visit this link If you are in immediate danger, please contact 911.
For an application, please contact your local domestic or sexual violence program or victim witness assistance program. If you need assistance finding your local program, please contact the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Statewide Hotline at 1-800-838-8238 for assistance.
For Address Confidentiality Program related questions please contact:
Eligibility for ACP
- Applicant must be a resident of Virginia. Ineligible to apply if currently residing in temporary housing for 30 days or less. If the applicant has a confirmed address that they will be moving to, provide that information and moved forward with submitting the application.
- The applicant, or the minor or incapacitated individual on whose behalf the application is made, is a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, human trafficking, or child abduction.
- The applicant fears further acts of violence, stalking, retribution, or intimidation from the applicant’s assailant, abuser, or trafficker.
- Applicant’s address must be unknown to their abuser.
- Applicant must not be on active federal, state, or local probation or parole supervision.
- Applicant must not be required to register as a Sex Offender pursuant to Chapter 9 (§ 9.1-900 et seq.) of Title 9.1.
How to Apply for ACP
For an application, please contact your local domestic or sexual violence program or victim witness assistance program. If you need assistance finding your local program, please contact the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Statewide Hotline at 1-800-838-8238 for assistance or you can look up the local program information via this link,
Participant Responsibilities
- Participants are responsible for requesting state and local agencies to use their substitute address.
- Limit all mail sent to the substitute address to USPS First Class mail only.
- Notify ACP of address changes 7 days in advance and complete the change of information form. Failure to comply with may result in program certification being cancelled.
- Notify ACP of name changes within 7 days or order being written and complete the change of information form. Failure to comply with may result in program certification being cancelled.
- Completing renewal applications prior to certification expiration date to avoid lapses in participation and mail forwarding. Enrollments are good for 3 years. Failure to comply with may result in program certification being cancelled.
- Notifying ACP of email address and telephone number changes in a timely manner.
- Notify ACP right away if you have been placed on probation or parole or required to register as a sex offender. Program participation will be cancelled.
- Once program enrollment ends, it is the participant's responsibility to provide all necessary parties or agencies with their new address and remove the substitute address from their records.
Substitute Address
How to Use the Substitute Address
Driver’s License/State ID
Contact the Department of Motor Vehicles at 804-367-6774 if you would like to have the ACP address on your driver’s license and vehicle registration. If you are relocating from another state, please go to for required documentation for VA residency. If your participation in ACP ends you are responsible for contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles at 804-367-6774 to have your address changed in their system.
Voter Registration
Voter registration application may be filled out on-line, through the DMV, or at your local voter registration office. You will need to provide your physical address on the application and fill out the protected address status on the form with the ACP address. They will assign your voter precinct based on your address but use the ACP address as your address on your voter registration card and keep the application with the protected addresses so that only the ACP address is released and not your physical address. Please note that once your voter registration record is updated with your ACP substitute address, Online records change will not be permitted due to having protected address. You will need to go in person to your local registrar to make changes.
Mail Policies and Procedures
Mail is picked up from the post office daily, sorted, repackaged and forwarded to all participants. Please keep in mind that there may be up a 7-10 business delay in the mail. All first-class mail is forwarded, no packages, magazines, standard mail, or catalogs are forwarded. The ACP office does not have the ability to repackage and send packages. All packages are rejected at the post office and returned to sender.
Please do not forward mail via the USPS mail forwarding option. This will put your information into a national database and mail being forwarded can overwhelm the ACP office. Also, if you forward your mail from your current address, the ACP will be unable to forward your mail to as it will be returned to sender.
Online Shopping
Online shopping is a necessity in today’s age. Some stores offer store pick up and/or shipping directly to the store, which is a great way to shop on-line. If you have a secondary PO Box, they can accept packages. Some employers allow packages to be shipped and sometimes neighbors, friends, and family members will accept packages on your behalf. Some participants have used a different name on their packages for receiving packages at their homes.
Registering a child for school
You must provide proof of residency in the locality when registering a child for school. Each school district lists what is required on their websites. Provide the proof to the school and give them the ACP card to copy. Ask them not to place your physical address in any records and to use your assigned ACP Authorization Code and the substitute address all records. More information on enrollment requirements can be found at . The ACP Staff can verify current participation in ACP but cannot verify zone information on your behalf.
Internet records
ACP is not retroactive and cannot remove information from the internet. You can contact each website and request they remove the address because you are in the ACP, some websites require proof of victimization prior to removing information.
Change of address
You have seven days to notify the ACP of a change of address and the ACP will send you a change of address form to fill out and return to the office. If you do not notify the ACP of an address change and your mail is returned, you will be canceled from the program. We do not accept changes by email or voicemail. You must contact our office to get a change of information form. Your mail will be held, until our office receives the completed form. Name change You have seven days to inform the ACP office of a name change. The ACP will send you a change of name form to fill out and return to the office; in addition, the ACP requires a copy of the court order or divorce decree with the name change. We do not accept changes by email or voicemail. You must contact our office to get a change of information form. Your mail will be held, until our office receives the completed form.
Use of ACP address with non-state and local government agencies
The ACP office is only able to enforce the ACP address with state and local government agencies, such as the courts, schools, social services, DMV, etc. The ACP office will work with any private entity and/or federal agency regarding the use of the ACP address and the importance of utilizing the address for safety reasons. Unfortunately, the ACP cannot mandate that private entities or federal agencies utilize the ACP address.
Withdrawn or canceled ACP participation
If your participation ends, you are responsible for updating all state and local government agencies and businesses that send you mail via the ACP of your new address. Not updating parties with your address will result in you missing important mail and notices. Our office will only forward mail for 30 days after program participation ends. Any mail received after 30 days will be returned to sender.
Participant owned businesses and LLCs
The program will not forward mail that is addressed in the name of a participant's business, LLC. or corporation. The mail will be returned to sender. You may want to consider paying for a private postal box to receive your business mail.
If you are using the ACP address and run into any issues, please refer the agency or company you are working with to the ACP office. The ACP email address is
Training for Advocates
What is the Role of an Application Assistant?
Advocates who are employed or volunteer at an agency or organization that serves survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and stalking who has received training and certification from the Address Confidential Program. Application Assistants help survivors to complete applications for the Address Confidential Program. Application Assistants assist the eligible person in determining whether the address confidentiality program should be part of such person's overall safety plan, explain the address confidentiality program services and limitations and explain the program participant's responsibilities, and assist the person eligible for participation with the completion of application materials. The application assistant should forward the completed application to the ACP office.
How do I become an Application Assistant?
There are multiple ways to become trained. Our office can conduct a virtual or in person training. The training usually takes 60-90 minutes. You may also complete the training via a recorded training video. After completing the training, you will be issued a certificate of completion and an application assistant card. Your certification will be good for 3 years. To renew you should complete the training every 3 years. If you are interested in receiving training or would like our staff to present at a conference or community event, please follow this link to let us know.
Current Application Assistants
If you have any program related questions or want to ensure you are using the most recent application, please contact ACP at
Address Confidentiality Program Application (advocates only)
Law Enforcement
Resources for Law Enforcement
State & Local Agencies
Resources for State and Local Agencies
Victim Advocates
Resources for Victim Advocates
Address Confidentiality Program Participant Survey
The ACP has created a short participant survey to gain insights and valuable feedback to help strengthen the program. For confidentiality purposes and anonymity your email address and name will not be collected. If you do not wish to complete this survey electronically a printed copy of this survey may be obtained by contacting the ACP staff at