Commonwealth of Virginia
Office of the Attorney General
Jason S. Miyares
Attorney General
202 North 9th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
FAX 804-786-1991
Virginia Relay Service
For media inquiries only, contact:
Shaun Kenney
Danville Woman Pleads Guilty to Health Care Fraud
DANVILLE, Va. – A Danville, Virginia woman, who claimed to receive almost 10,000 hours of personal care services from her estranged husband, but never actually received those services, resulting in a loss to Medicaid of over $116,000, pled guilty today in Federal Court.
Jacquelyn Farrish, 61, waived her right to be indicted and pled guilty today to a one-count Information charging her with health care fraud.
According to court documents, Farrish was married to A.L., a Medicaid recipient who was receiving Agency Directed Care Services. Until approximately 2017, Farrish and A.L. resided in Northern Virginia, at which time Farrish moved to Danville, Virginia, while A.L. continued living in Northern Virginia. A.L. later moved to Richmond, Virginia.
In October 2018, Farrish applied to receive services from the Consumer Directed Care Program. She listed A.L. as the paid personal card attendant who would be providing her with home health care and respite care services, even though A.L. did not live in Danville.
From October 2018 through February 2023, Farrish submitted and approved fraudulent timesheets, used A.L.’s personal information, and claimed A.L. provided services that were not rendered.
In total, Farrish claimed 9,819 hours of personal care attendant services that were not performed. As a result, the total loss to Medicaid was $116,536.
Acting U.S. Attorney Zachary T. Lee and Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares made the announcement.
The Department of Health and Human Services- Office of the Inspector General and the Virginia Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit are investigating the case.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Charlene Day and Special Assistant United States Attorney and Assistant Attorney General Nicole Terry are prosecuting the case.
Click here for the U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of Virginia's press release.
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